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GCSE PE (Years 10-11)
GCSE Music(Years 10-11)
GCSE Fine Art (Years 10-11)
GCSE Psychology (Years 10-11)
GCSE Religious Education (Years 10-11)
GCSE Mathematics (Years 10-11)
GCSE Combined Science (Years 10-11)
GCSE English Language(Years 10-11)
GCSE English Literature(Years 10-11)
GCSE Spanish (Years 10-11)
GCSE History (Years 10-11)
GCSE Geography (Years 10-11)
GCSE Computer Science (Years 10-11)
BTEC Digital Information Technology (Years 10-11)
Hospitality level 1 &2 BTEC(Years 10-11)
Health & Social Care level 1 & 2 BTEC (Year 10)
Childcare level 1 & 2 BTEC (Year 10)
OCR Nationals Sports Studies(Years 10-11)
Students also have the opportunity to study the following courses where appropriate;
GCSE and AS level Polish
GCSE and AS level Arabic
GCSE and AS level French
GCSE and AS level Mandarin
GCSE and AS level Turkish
GCSE and AS level Portuguese
GCSE and AS level Italian
GCSE and AS level Urdu
IFS Certificate in Financial Education (Year 11)
Level 3 Algebra (Year 11)
At the Academy of St. Nicholas, the aims of the Key Stage 3 curriculum are for each student to:
- Develop their identity as a secondary school student;
- Develop a familiarity and confidence in the routines and expectations within secondary school departments;
- Develop a sense of ownership over their own progress in all curriculum areas;
- Increase their awareness of socially acceptable standards of behaviour, specifically in an academic setting;
- Make rapid progress in developing their literacy and numeracy to ensure they are at or above the correct age within two years of starting the secondary curriculum;
- Study subjects in greater depth rather than focussing on excessive breadth of study;
- Gain a knowledge and appreciation for culture, religion, and their own moral and spiritual development;
- Allow students to gain an understanding of the world around them through each of their curriculum subjects;
- Feel a sense urgency in their academic development and understand that every learning opportunity is of the upmost importance.
The rationale for KS3 curriculum at the Academy of St. Francis of Assisi is to enable:
- All students, regardless of social privilege, to be exposed to a range of cultural experiences that will enrich them as individuals;
- Rapid transition from KS2, avoiding a dip in progress due to a lack of pace or focus. The condensed time frame will avoid repetition of material covered at KS2;
- Focus departments on ensuring an organised and efficient KS3 that prioritises knowledge coverage in depth over excessive breadth;
- Increase the level of challenge for all pupils through greater pace and focus, preparing pupils for the challenges of KS4;
- Increased opportunities in year 11 to utilise strategic intervention in qualifications fundamental to successful progression, thus ensuring that NEET figures remain low;
- Opportunities at KS4 for a bespoke range of curriculum pathways, enabling pupils with areas for development such as low reading ages to access carefully targeted support to facilitate rapid and sustained progress, whilst securing cultural depth and challenge for the most able.