The Governing Body of The Academy of St. Nicholas is committed to ensuring that every student achieves their full potential.

The Governing Body can be contacted via the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Jan Mcleod, at 51 Horrocks Avenue, Liverpool, L19 5NY.

Mr C Price is the Chair of Governors he is contactable through the Clerk to the Governors or contact the Academy on 0151 230 2570.

Mr Christopher Price - Chair of Governors Foundation Governor
Fr Edward Cain – Vice Chair Foundation Governor
Dr Edward Boyes Foundation Governor
Dr Mahieddine Emziane Parent Governor
Mr Russell Hall Trust Appointed Governor
Mr Gary Lloyd Headteacher
Mrs Mary McKean Foundation Governor
Mrs Jan McLeod Clerk to the Governors
Miss Adele Mulligan Staff Governor
Mrs Lorraine Wileman-Duckworth Parent Governor

Link Governor Subject
Mr Christopher Price - Chair of Governors Safeguarding & Attendance
Fr Edward Cain – Vice Chair Christian Distinctiveness
Dr Edward Boyes Curriculum
Dr Mahieddine Emziane Sixth Form
Mr Russell Hall Pupil Premium
Mrs Mary McKean SEND

Governor 21 September 2023 23 November 2023 25 January 2024 21 March 2024 23 May 2024 11 July 2024
Mr Christopher Price Chair of Governors Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y
Fr Edward Cain Vice Chair Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y
Dr Edward Boyes Y Y Y  Y  Y   Y
Dr Mahieddine Emziane Y Y Y  Y  A   Y
Mr Russell Hall Y N Y  A  A  A
Mr Gary Lloyd Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y
Mrs Mary McKean N/A N/A N/A A A  Y
Mrs Jan McLeod Y Y Y  Y  Y  Y
Miss Adele Mulligan N/A N/A Y  Y  Y   Y
Mr Marc Whitmore Y Y N/A N/A N/A N/A
Mrs Lorraine Wileman-Duckworth N/A N/A Y Y  A  Y

Register of Interests for Trust Directors
Declarations of interest