School Emergency Closure Protocols:

There may be times when pupils need to access learning remotely due to unforeseen school closures for short or extended periods. We are committed to ensuring that students are provided with opportunities to follow the curriculum in all subjects to ensure minimal disruption to the delivery of the taught content.

We aim to ensure consistency in our school’s approach to remote learning and to share clear expectations for all members of the school community.

Announcements around the requirements and duration of any periods of lockdown will be communicated via email and the academy website. There will also be support materials available to ensure accessibility of materials from home.

All pupils learning at home will be contacted regularly throughout any period of remote learning. Welfare calls will be made by school staff regularly to ensure engagement in learning and provide appropriate pastoral support. Doorstep visits may also be an option we communication channels with parents and students cannot be established.


Guidance for Students and Parents:

For short-term closures for 1 – 3 days, staff will provide activities online on teams that can be accessed and submitted online. Staff will be available to respond via email during timetabled lessons to any queries students or parents have about the lessons provided.

For extended periods of school closure, live lessons will be provided via Microsoft Teams. This will involve the facilities to deliver live teaching, and modelling skills and respond directly to student questions.

A mobile device with internet access will be required. Students will be given the opportunity to complete the tasks on paper and electronically. Paper-based tasks can be returned to staff via photographic evidence.


School Partial Closure:

We will have a partial closure because of the National Strike Action on the 27th of April and the 2nd of May. However, education will continue for all year groups.

Years 11, 12 and 13 will be onsite and lessons will continue as normal. • Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 will have work set online in Teams.

A guide on how to access materials can be found here.


Protocols for Live Lessons Safeguarding protocols:

By accessing a Teams lesson all parents/carers are agreeing to their child taking part in a live streaming lesson and confirming that they have discussed the protocols with their son/ daughter and that their son/daughter will abide by these protocols. If parents have any safeguarding concerns, they can report this directly to Mrs Farrelly by phoning the school or via the following email:

The invitation link to the live-streaming lesson will be sent out via a student’s Teams Calendar. Teams require students to log in using their school email address and cannot be accessed via personal emails.

Each lesson is to be recorded by the school for the safeguarding of all. Normal school rules apply but in a virtual setting. Recording of the lesson, other than by the member of staff, is expressly forbidden.

In order to allow the lesson to progress smoothly students should mute and raise their hand to speak.

Students should be in a room in the house readily accessible by other adults in the household. It should not take place in the student’s bedroom. Students should be appropriately dressed and there should be no private images on display; it is preferable that the cameras are switched off.

In line with GDPR if you do not wish to share your image on screen but wish to participate in the lesson, please email who will forward your request to the relevant member of staff. Please ensure you inform school of this as soon as possible.